Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Week 5 -- All About Chad

Wow. I read your message, Chad and... frankly I'm speechless. I had no idea you had such conflicted feelings about my blog. We can make this work, man.

I'm going to carry on Chad. For you. It's Monday, and we're back, so you know what that means.

Let me tell you some things you don't know about Chad.

1) Chad Henne once peed blood. Somebody else's.

2) At a celebrity Hold 'Em tournament, Chad Henne laid down 5 aces on the final hand of the game. When he was accused of cheating, he beat the shit out of everyone there for bearing false witness and took their money anyway. He did not donate it to charity.

3) Chad Henne's penis has abs.

4) Sometimes Chad Henne cries late at night. This is because God told Chad personally how the world will end, and Chad feels guilty that it's due to him kicking its ass.

5) IN HONOR OF THE COMBINE! Chad Henne runs a 4.26 40 mile dash, but only because he stopped at Nathan's for some fucking corn dog nuggets on the way.

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