Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Week 8 -- All About Chad

Chad, you and I have had our differences. We have, I suppose you might say, quarreled. But your last letter showed me something. It showed me that you and I, rivals or friends, are just people. We're all just passing through. Let's just live. I'm sorry if anything I've written in this blog ever offended you. But you and I, we're going to take a step into the future together. And the future starts today.

Readers, let me tell you some things you don't know about Chad.

1) Chad Henne is a very nice guy.

2) This week, Chad Henne's fiancee got her tonsils out, and he's really treated her great all week. Ice cream and cold drinks and cuddling, oh my!

3) Chad Henne is very excited to have Richie Incognito on the Dolphins, but then, he welcomes all players like they are his own family.

4) The other day, Chad rescued a kitten from a tree, and laughed with glee when it lovingly licked his face in gratitude.

5) Chad Henne tips 25% in restaurants, because he believes in the importance of the working man in our society.

Thanks Chad. For everything.

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