Saturday, March 13, 2010

Friday Week 6 -- Wonderlic, Inc, in Association with Chad Henne, Presents Chad Henne's Unreleased Wonderlic Answers!

17. A train travels 20 feet in 1/5 seconds At this exact speed, how many feet will it travel in three seconds?

Chad's Response: More math! WOO! Hook 'em Wolverines, I'm in the zone, bitches! Okay, 1/5 seconds is, conveniently, exactly the amount of time it takes for my meat stick to blow 20 ladies' minds. So let's see. I can conveniently represent each lady boned as a foot of travel. Soooooo, in 3 seconds, I could make.... carry the massive Chad Henne dick.... divide by e.... 300 ladies, YEE HAW!!!

Grade: 1/1 I'm not sure how, but that was actually right.

50. Assume the first 2 statements are true. Is the final one:
Ben greeted Beth. Beth greeted Bob. Ben did not greet Bob.

Chad's Response: Now grader, I'm sure you're familiar with my insistence that, in any piece of literature, one must first establish the reliability of the narrator. Can the account be trusted? Is there bias inherent in the character's presentation of the facts? This question is obviously testing that concept. For example, I was there for this little meet and greet party that you people somehow heard about. Beth, Ben, and Bob are good friends of mine, and we were all set to have a little dinner and sex party, I admit. Now, Beth and I used to fuck regularly. You have to understand this, I think. I was feeling a little weird about seeing her again, so I drank 5 entire bottles of Jagermeister. All I remember was that we all had a good time except Bob, who frankly is a real stick in the mud, and also that I put my stick in some mud, if you know what I'm saying. I'm going to have to go, therefore, with 3: not certain. Because I have no idea what the hell went on that night.

Grade: 0/1 You cannot possibly have expected me to read all of that.

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