Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Week 8 -- A Message From Chad

Hey guys,

First off, I want you to know that I saw what you did with the day titles from last week, and actually, they didn't even make me mad! I thought they were totally cute! Also, I saw that you didn't post any entries last weekend, and you caught up in a mad rush this morning. No big deal! Sometimes people just get busy!

Actually, I just really wanted to thank you for making this blog. It's awesome, and you make me seem really cool in it. I feel like my fanbase has increased 4-fold (Ed: "by 4 people" is what he probably meant to say)!

Oh. And also sometimes I beat off to the sexy lady pictures. I just want to level with you.

You've done some good things lately though, and I mean that sincerely. You made the actual content area of the blog larger, which is good, started embedding videos, which is great (porn plz! lol, jk!), and I'm really excited to see what innovations come next from the team over at Chad-SPEAKS.

I'm on your side, guys. Always remember that.

Chad Henne

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