Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day of the Dead Week 7 -- What's on Chad's iPod?

Brand spanking new on Chad-SPEAKS! Embedding Youtube stuff! Woo!

The song: Lightning Crashes by Live

What it means to Chad: To a naive fool, this song seems like it might be about the earth-shaking majesty of seeing your child for the first time. However, I am not a naive fool. I AM CHAD HENNE, purveyor of penisings*! Listen up. I have a story for you. Once, there was a young boy, who thought he was truly in love with his high school sweetheart. He even thought he might ask her to marry him! So one day, they both got into the boy's station wagon and drove up to a cliff, because cliffs are romantic, goddammit. Except as they were driving, and the young boy's boner was growing, a storm began to brew. By the time the boy had worked up the courage to propose to the girl, the storm was in full force. He grasped her hands, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, a bolt of lightning wracked their bodies with an ecstacy of pain. The girl fell to the ground, and the boy was fine, and still had a boner, which he used to resuscitate her. She arose in awe, scared of this seemingly immortal boy, and realized she could never love him because she could never truly understand him. Sad, right? Well let me tell you something: that boy was me. Chad Henne. And that girl may or may not have been Keira Knightly. And that's what love is like when you're Chad Henne.

*times when I bang you

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