Monday, May 17, 2010

Guest Post: A Message from Errick Williams Jr.

Hey man,

It took me a while to track you down, but I have my ways. You know,
Ayurveda, that kind of thing. Anyway, the point is, I'm feeling a little
misunderstood right now. So a while ago, I was reading Greg Mankiw's blog,
and I noticed that little button at the top that says "next blog," and I
thought, hey why not not. So I click it, and here I am staring down a big
old picture of Chad's head pasted onto that guy from the Prestige. I'm all
about glorifying Chad, so I read on. Pretty soon, I find out you started
glorifying me, too. Now, I guess that's not so bad, and there actually are a
few things that have been bothering me, so consider me intrigued. Anyway,
I'm reading this one about semicolons, and kinda liking it, but then I see
"he's hungry for meatballs and he's ready for love." Ready for love, I
guess. Hungry for meatballs? No way, man, Ricky's a vegetarian! See what I
mean by misunderstood? OK, man, I just had to get that off my chest. All
right, got to go, Chad's coming over for Gardenburgers tomorrow, so I gotta
get me some sleep.


Ricky Williams

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